
Какие есть упражнения дома для мам с маленькими детьми? Поделитесь опытом!

Has any mums on here found a good exercise routine you can do at home while your little ones are running around I'm finding it hard to get motivated but after having my second baby 9months ago.

I'm hating the person I'm seeing in the mirror and went out yesterday to buy some new clothes the most depressing thing I've had to do I've put it off for so long getting new clothes, but when you get down to 1 pair of jeans and they are wearing out and a couple of tops you have no choice and at the end of the day I just felt defeated, sad, but there's nothing that's going to change that unless I start to do something about it so hoping some mummies might have found a good exercise routine.

Sorry for the long post
sending love to all the mum's and mum's to be ❤️

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