
Всем привет! Я мама 2-х деток из Мичигана, жду 3-го малыша, срок ПДР апрель 2023 - как вы?

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Hello everyone! My name is Ali and I am a stay at home mamma of 2 soon to be 3. We live in Waterford, Michigan. My Boyfriend and I have been together 7, almost 8 years (in September). Our daughter, Aaliyah Everine, is 5 (9/21/16), our son, Kendrick Elijah is 3 (12/10/18), and baby-to-be due date is still in question since my first Dr. appointment/ultrasound isnt until September 20th. If my calculations are correct, my due date will be arround April 1st 2023. I have had the app for a few days now and I freaking love it! I have been off of all types of social media for over 2 years now and since being on here I feel like I have been living in a cave 😂. Its soo nice to see/remember that im not alone and to see so many relatable posts from everyone! Thank you all so much for the laughs so far ❤️ #myfirstpost

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