Jessica Dwyer
Jessica Dwyer
My autistic son’s father (previously abusive towards me and showed aggression towards his young nieces and nephews(6months-8 years when we were together) came back into our life after the DANCO was up and I’ve been supervising the visits since November 2021. He seems different now that he’s admitted his drug use and has since quit. He’s a truck driver so random drug tests. I want to give him the chance to coparent and start by letting him take our son for 7 hours on our sons 4th birthday in a couple weeks while I’m at work but I’m scared.
I’m also scared for him to take me to court and win custody and my son be forced into overnights if I don’t give him what he wants. He’s engaged and I trust her but I don’t want to relinquish control and have them split either. I would like to ask any advice, suggestions, rules to help me be more comfortable with this

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Has he asked for this?
10.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
Yes he has and he was mad when I wasn’t ready to give him away for day trips in January but he dropped the issue and we’ve been civil since
10.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
@learningmom18, if you’re not ready try for only a few hours. 7 is a long time.
10.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
Have you thought about setting up something with the courts about coparenting?
09.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
I’ve thought about it but I’m scared for him to do any overnights just yet. I’m trying to inform our son on what behavior is okay from adults and other children and when he should tell mom
10.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
@learningmom18, we had everything done in court because my ex tried to be slick about things. Saying he hd rights to enter our home etc. I stopped all pf the bullsh@t quickly once we had everything out in court. It helped.
I was not comfortable with him taking dd prior to it just in case he tried to take her (but we love in different states).
10.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
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