Question! My 12 year old is a candidate for both traditional braces and Invisalign. He, of course, is wanting the Invisalign as its clear retainers that can be removed. I'm leaning more towards braces because they can't be removed and he would for sure be done in 20 months. I worry with Invisalign he won't wear them consistently and will end up taking longer to correct the issues he has. Has anyone had a child around the same age use Invisalign? How did it go? Any thoughts or advice on either option would be appreciated as well!

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My husband has been using Invisalign for about 3 years now. He would’ve been done faster if he got regular braces but he is a business owner and talks to people so he wanted something more subtle. He has to keep track of when to change the aligners and make sure to wear them for 22 hours a day otherwise he has to add more days before he can move onto the next aligner. I don’t know if I’d want to manage all that for a child but if you can do it then go for it. My daughter will likely need braces in her future so I’m sure I’ll be having the same dilemma.
27.04.2022 Нравится Ответить
Braces. Koda had them in the first grade. Honestly they’re not that big of a deal and a lot easier to maintain.

Prices aren’t that bad they get to pick your colors and you can make it really fun
27.04.2022 Нравится Ответить
@wellabean0413 @juwannamann @whereswaldo @llamapantaloons @momx4 @mujerstillregal Thank you for your input! I'd say he's pretty responsible, as much as a 12 year old can be lol I think his reasoning for wanting Invisalign is because they are "invisible" compared to traditional braces. He's always been a very easy going kid and this is the first time he's really pushed back so to speak. I honestly believe traditional braces would be best for him but he's really against it.
27.04.2022 Нравится Ответить
It really depends on his level of responsibility, some 12 year olds would do well with Invisalign and some wouldn't. I would be concern because his pull to invisalign is that he can remove them, does that mean he'll remove them just because he feels like it... you'd just have to know him. I'm not 12, lol, but if I were to get braces, I'd go traditional route, just set them and forget them 😅
27.04.2022 Нравится Ответить
Invisalign is usually faster, as long as you wear them like you’re supposed to. I had them, but I was also 18, sooo. If you can get him to wear them like he’s supposed to, it would probably be a great option for him. I had to have normal braces just on my back teeth to fix cross bites for a couple of months, and those were so much more painful. I had to wear rubber bands with them too.
26.04.2022 Нравится Ответить
We are doing Invisalign for my 12 year old. She doesn’t have them yet. We had a long talk about how they will be painful. They won’t be fun. And the first lost set are free. But after that it’s $100. There is also an option to wear only at night so losing is less of a fear. I feel she is responsible enough to wear them properly. Now if I was going to pick for my 9 year old? Braces 😂. She’s a shit about this stuff. I really think it depends on your kid and their responsibility level. Most kids honestly would fair better with braces.
26.04.2022 Нравится Ответить
Braces for sure. I just got out of braces and when they got to hurting I wanted to take them out. If I would’ve I’d still have crooked teeth. It takes a lot of discipline to leave invisalign in with all the pain they cause. Also, my retainer drives me more crazy than my braces did and I only wear it at night. I couldn’t imagine having one of those aligners in all day every day.
26.04.2022 Нравится Ответить
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