
Сыну больно в паху, хромает и жалуется на живот: что делать? Нужен совет!

Hi guys ,
I know 3:50 am and im writing a post here but i need to know if someone has experience the same thing with their son ..

So basically my son in the after was walking funny ,i asked him what is it but he said he is hurt ,then he said his tummy hurts so i thought maybe he need to eat cuz he had a busy day our with my sister in low and then around dinner time he fall asleep,wake uo around 22:30 being miseiand still walkimg gunny ,i took jim to shower and when i try to wash him with the sponge between his legs he jumped ,criwd and say that is hurt ,dont touch it.
Then after checking him more ,i diced to call 111 ,they send me to A&E and ive been there from 23:30 to 3:20 then they said they are not aure what is it ao they have to transport us to other hospital ,now we on the way ..
Seems to have pain on the right side of his testicles,he wont let nobody touch it 😢

Just hope is no something bad :(

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Thanks a lot guys 🙈😌
So we get to other hospital around 4:20am and we've been waiting around like 30 minutes ,and the doctor was so nice at the Leicester children hospital,he manage to check him properly,they pain was little at that time so seems to be on and off the pain ,he said to keep eyes on him ,if he still got the pain again then straight A &E , hopefully won't be necessary again 😳 But Doc said that he will have to put him on a list and when is space for him to come to do a operation(basically,they will take his testicle out to see if anything the then they will put it back ,he said won't affect him or he won't have side effects after anesthesic,but I'm scared ) that's the protocol after the symptoms he had the previous day (yesterday) .
We arrived home safely but super tired ,my partner came to pick us up ,he also didn't really slept because of the little one at home ,but in the end we arrived home around 10am .so I've been 10-11 hours only in the hospital 😢
He seems fine now , hopefully he will be fine
17.04.2022 Нравится Ответить
Could be a twisted ball, bless him xx
17.04.2022 Нравится Ответить
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