I haven’t been on here for a while really, but my last baby was diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfectica IO type 2, a very rare fatal dysplasia or sometimes referred to as brittle bone disease.
We decided to carry her till 34 weeks before she would be born via C-section. She was born weighing only 2.11pounds and 13 inches long. Kyomi had two broken wrists both ankles were broken at birth also. They weren’t sure if she ever had a top portion of her skull as her head was full of fluid and it honestly felt like the bone ended at the top of her nose eye brows.
My girl only lived for 15 minutes, she never cried, she never made a sound. She was without the proper lung tissue / lungs to take a breath. She was perfect though. Her small arms and legs 💕 I’d do anything to have my baby back.