He Ladys, hope you and yoir babys are doing great!! 🥰

Lets talk about babys sleeping pattern🤷‍♀️😴

My daughter goes bed time at 7pm and then wakes up at 6am or 7am for half an hour to watch tv and change nappy then i gave her bottle and she is going back to sleep till 9am. I start getting her ready for night time sleep at 6:30pm i bath her, dry her, put coconut oil and etc and then give her milk and she goes to sleep. Also i never rock her to sleep i put her down give her bottle and she goes to sleep on her own.

What about you ladys, what time does your babys goes to bed, and what time they forst feed?

Just would like to know how the others do it so i have an idea. 😊😇


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