My appointment is on Monday
But the over day I had some skin on it and scratched that away and lots of puss came out and it’s gone much smaller to how it first started but can’t squezze no more out but was Litrally coming out a tiny hole liek the hair follicles bit
I rang 111 and seems to think that there was infection that has not healed properly didn’t really wanna give me antibiotics but I asked her and she gave me some flucloxacillin so I’m hoping will clear it up so I can stop worrying xx
Did you have a lump this lump moved about at first and could feel with my fingers but now it’s like thickness it is tender and sore ans rash has gone down this morning
I've had mastitis a few times. I never remember it looking like that.
I remember my friend having an infection on her boob, she wasn't breast feeding, her little girl was almost two. She was given anti biotic cream and it cleared up in a few days
I had mastitis really bad with my son, I had to have an abscess lanced and packed, and this is exactly what my boob looked like before the abscess appeared. Definitely go to your doctor Monday morning!
The picture does look worse tbh
And not painful no and I did have hot water bottle earlier on it so made it go red I think when keep touching it it gets worse