My baby has bad reflux and I found out that the parents choice sensitive worked better than the Similac spit up and it costs alot less!
You can go on Similacs website and sign up for coupons
Oh parents choice also has a spit up one as well. Which is supposed to be similar to the Similac spit up. I tried like 5 different types before finding one that worked for my little 😩
Will insurance cover it if the doctor writes a prescription since it's for reflux/spit up? I used to feed my daughter the Sam's Club brand and it was great quality and so much cheaper. They have a deal where it's only $20 to join right now. It may be worth it to save money.
@ms.disla I agree with jenx formula is regulated by the FDA so the generic versus brand is the same formula. I used to just buy the Walmart or Target brand when I needed to supplement baby had no issues as long it was the same "type" like for spit up