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Been a minute since I was on this app!! But I need some advice mamas🥺 my friend is getting mad at me because I don’t have time to hang out with her because ive been busy with family stuff and I don’t know what to do. I tried explaining to her that I have family obligations but she still doesn’t seem to understand. Any advice anyone? Also, in the messages “Doug” is my boyfriend of 6 years and my child’s father btw, and “Lucas” is my son.

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From a different she suicidal at all?? I mean most people that are don't mention their mental health repeatedly but you just never know during these times. I would maybe set aside time for coffee once a month so she can know to expect the time you guys have together and if that doesn't work for her then gently suggest counseling because something is definitely off. A grown woman should not be demanding attention from her friend like this. I would be exhausted of her already if I had to put up with a friend like this that didn't have a legitimate reason for this behavior besides acting like a child.
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
She must not have kids because a person with kids would be understanding of your situation and that you can't just drop everything and hang out with her.
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить


Thank you everyone for your suggestions!!! She ended up apologizing later in the day for how she was acting thankfully. I’m seeing her Wednesday for lunch so I’m going to talk to her more then😊
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
She needs mental health help. Please suggest that to her or guide her to find some.
24.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
I agree, she is seeing a psychiatrist but I think she needs to see a therapist. I will always be there for my friends but this is just too much and at the point for a professional.
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
I think you handled the conversation well. You were very straight forward and set firm boundaries. How old is she? She sounds annoying 😬. Does she not have a family of her own? I mean even if she doesn’t, an adult should be able to understand these things. Perhaps there is something going on with her. Maybe tell her that even though you’re not able to always hang out, you’re always there for support/to talk. She might open up about what she is going through.
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
Thank you! She’s 25😩 she single and doesn’t have any kids so I understand she doesn’t get it. I did tell her that she can always call and text me even if I can’t hang out, but she still got mad🤷‍♀️
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
Wow, she’s needy. And really about 2 weeks?? That’s so odd. Adults have families to tend to and many of us rarely see our friends bc of it and understand. She needs more friends clearly. But on the other hand, is she always like this? Maybe she does need some mental help and reaching out to you. Might be something to make time for!
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
Yes only two weeks bc my whole family was sick my son was throwing up nonstop and my bfs grandmother got very ill! It’s not like I’m blowing her off for nothing you know?
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
I understand your frustration but it seems like she is genuinely in a bad place mentally right now. It probably didn’t help that you kept mentioning how much everything else was more important. I think she needs you and you should be glad she is reaching out to let you know this instead of trying to deal on her own. I know there’s therapy and meds ect for a reason but sometimes when someone is going through it mentally they don’t think they even deserve that kind of help. I know I didn’t when I was going through it. I’m not saying bow down to her every need as we are all adults. Just sometimes people just need their people.
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
@prettygirlrock1214surromom, always always!! She’s been my best friend for 24 years we’ve known each other since we were babies. But I can tell she definitely needs a professional, if she’s freaking out because I can’t hang out for only two weeks then there’s something going on.
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
@babybump21, she definitely needs one and will
Probably need support in that. It’s so awesome you’ve been friends so long! Me and my best friend were friends for 25 years before she unfortunately lost her battle with cancer
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
@prettygirlrock1214surromom, I am so so sorry for your loss😢💕
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
People who can’t be by themselves scare me. They’ll forever need others to make them happy. She should not be depending on you to help her cope with her mental health. You’re a mother and wife with other obligations as mentioned. She sounds like a kid
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
Agreed!!! Thank you!! She is honesty acting like a child, and we have been friends since we were babies so I don’t understand why she’s acting like this all of a sudden when she used to be so understanding. She’s single and childless and I’m not and I honestly think that’s the problem!
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
How old is she? This is just so odd to me. Like something is very, very off. All she’s focused on is herself which does make me worry about her mental health(as she keeps bringing it up) but at the same time I don’t think that it’s fair how bad she is trying to make you feel about not seeing her. I honestly don’t think that you have done anything wrong at all. But like another user said I would maybe try to meet up with her and talk to her and see how she is truly doing and if she maybe needs to talk to a professional.
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
She’s 25!!! I thought that was weird too how she just kept focusing on herself when I kept explaining to her I had family obligations. My son was sick and throwing up for a week and we had to take care of my SO sick grandmother for a weekend and she’s acting like I’m blowing her off for no reason! She did end up apologizing but I definitely agree with you she needs to talk to a professional!
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
From a different she suicidal at all?? I mean most people that are don't mention their mental health repeatedly but you just never know during these times. I would maybe set aside time for coffee once a month so she can know to expect the time you guys have together and if that doesn't work for her then gently suggest counseling because something is definitely off. A grown woman should not be demanding attention from her friend like this. I would be exhausted of her already if I had to put up with a friend like this that didn't have a legitimate reason for this behavior besides acting like a child.
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
Valid point!
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
She’s definitely not suicidal but she actually apologized to me later on and told me her anxiety has been really bad lately. I just saw her last week for a little bit but had to leave early to get my son, and I just also saw her July 4th and we talk and text and FaceTime almost everyday so it’s not like I don’t make time for her, I really do try but it’s physically impossible for me to hang out all the time right now. Her reasoning for her bad anxiety and acting like this is because she quit her job and she’s home alone all the time and it’s getting to her, which again I can’t see her al the time and she shouldn’t expect me to hang out every other day.
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
She must not have kids because a person with kids would be understanding of your situation and that you can't just drop everything and hang out with her.
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
Yeah she doesn’t have kids and is also single so she wants to go out and do fun things all the time, but she doesn’t understand that I can’t do that every weekend!
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
Yeah, I would have no tolerance for this. What is she? 12? This is ridiculous. I understand she may be going through a hard time, but maybe she should see a therapist instead of trying to guilt trip a friend with a child and family to take care of. My advice is to stop the conversation because she’s clearly not going to get it.
23.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
She’s turning 25 Saturday 😅 she is also single and doesn’t have a child so I understand she doesn’t get it. But still, I have an almost 3 year old to take care of full time it’s hard to find time for even myself lately let alone my friends!
25.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
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