Went for my 12 week ck and the dr couldnt find babys heartbeat with doppler. Now i have to wait for insurance to approve ultrasound. Sp nervous and sad
Oh wow you already got the ultrasound? That’s great news! But how do you know the gender? 12 weeks is too early. It’s not accurate til at least 14 weeks.
It was 12ish week appointment. He prepared me saying let's see if we can find it, if not we will have to do a quick ultrasound. He said at that may weeks baby moves so much and is good at hiding. He picked up mine and was fast cause he couldn't find the baby's.
I hope it works in your favor but this happened to me during this pregnancy. I was stressed and had accidentally made 2 appointments back to back but the baby was just fine. I didn't have to wait for insurance, just the tech to be available.