Anyone here got pregnant after having a tubal ligation? Im freaking out i havent had a preiod in 7 months i took a test this morning and last night and i sware i see a faint line on both
Sry I don’t see a line and if you took apart a test it’s invalid either way. Definitely speak to your doctor like yesterday bc if you had a tubal and did get pregnant, it could be bad. Is there a reason you’re just now freaking out about not having a period?
Also, totally not related but is this spaghetti sauce??
There very faint so camera doesnt bring it up to good... But thats the way 3 of my pregnancys have gone ... Im very intone with my body so I typically find out sooner then test will pick up a deffinate answer
Also, totally not related but is this spaghetti sauce??