Would you keep your child off due to bad hay fever? I feel so bad for Morgan. I've dossed him up on piriton all week but his eyes are so puffy & sore. He only started getting hay fever last year so we're still kind of getting to grips with what sets his off & how best to treat it. I just figure have tomorow off give his eyes a bit of a break!
2.9 года

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I’ve had to keep Erin off yesterday because she looks like she’s been punched in the eyes! There are hayfever wipes you can get from savers which I put in Erins school bag so she can wipe her eyes and face after she’s been outside at lunch and break times which help a little.

My advice is to call the doctor as they can prescribe nasal spray, eye drops and antihistamines on prescription for you xx

2.9 года Нравится Ответить



I’ve had to keep Erin off yesterday because she looks like she’s been punched in the eyes! There are hayfever wipes you can get from savers which I put in Erins school bag so she can wipe her eyes and face after she’s been outside at lunch and break times which help a little.

My advice is to call the doctor as they can prescribe nasal spray, eye drops and antihistamines on prescription for you xx

2.9 года Нравится Ответить

I have those wipes in my bag didn't think to give him them for at school. I'll do that next week.

He had a bad few weeks back in March/April but it hasn't been too bad until this week again. I'm gonna a see what his eyes are like in the morning & maybe give the doctors a ring then. Thanks :)

2.9 года Нравится Ответить

@sara-lou86, Definitely handy for him to have on him. Bless him it’s awful isn’t it! No worries, I definitely would call just to have it it’s much better for them to have the “full hayfever pack” especially as it is likely to get worse through summer xx

2.9 года Нравится Ответить

This is off topic slightly but have a look at Haymax. You just put it under his eyes and up his nostrils. It helps my husband alot.
Also yes i think i would as i guess it would affect his school work etc. X

2.9 года Нравится Ответить