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My life recently and it’s definitely taking a toll on my self confidence 🥴
Any of you deal with psoriasis? What helps? I know theres no actual cure.
Im glad its a mild flare up but it has been getting worse

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Ive actually heard that from one other person! But they do say sun makes it better. Im hoping it goes away. Ive only had it one other time and it was years ago... it lasted for awhile my whole body was covered. I was in california at the time but I immediately came back home(las vegas) and went to the dr, he prescribed me an ointment and it completely healed. It didn’t come back until now, and here I am trying to figure out what to do without insurance 🥴
17.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@damians_mommy, yes it’s gonna burn while it heals. Use a hypoallergenic moisturizer.
19.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@momgroupreject, which do you recommend?
19.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@damians_mommy, I use Vaseline unscented, the only one I can get away with that has added fragrance is the hempz brand and that’s when I have zero flare ups
19.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
I have for most of my life! Honestly UV light is the best thing for it. I know everyone hates that bc sun = cancer but you can go to the derm for safer sun treatments. It was too expensive for me to do long term at $100/ 3 sessions (with insurance) so I got a gym membership with tanning and went for like 5-7 mins on the lowest level bed, that was before covid but now I just make sure to get direct light for at least 15 mins a day. I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of money on “tried and true” home remedies but nothing works as well as direct UV exposure.
17.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
I am struggling… for a year I had it only on my elbows and a small patch on my abdomen they cleared up overnight and then a month later I got two patches one on each knee and it will not go away, nothing helps and it is so painful and itchy. It is taking a toll on my self confidence as well comfort because it is hot out and I am for 1 embarrassed to wear shorts and 2 can’t stop myself from itching if I don’t have pants on. I’ve also recently noticed, well I guess it could have been going on for years but I always got acrylics until this past year but my nails are riding and pitting and I just found out it is linked to psoriasis. I haven’t really found anything yet that helps other then moisturizing a million times a day and that just helps the itching not to make it get any better 😩
16.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
Im so glad you brought up the nails. I also have noticed my toe nails and nails on my hands getting thinner and breaking. I did some research and they say collagen powder is great for psoriasis as well as skin hair nails. I ordered it from vital proteins. They say to only use unscented lotions and no perfume on any of the areas you’re flaring up.
Its an auto immune skin disease so the way you eat and lack of vitamins are also a huge part of psoriasis flare ups.
16.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
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