Has anyone bought a duplicate blanket for daycare/preschool use? My 2.5 year old is starting preschool and they need to bring a blanket and crib sheet for naptime. He has a perfect blanket he has had since a newborn and sleeps with every day at home, so I ordered a duplicate for school. Am I over doing it, or do most parents do this?

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Totally understandable and not weird at all. When my daughter started preschool at age 2, we bought two extra of her “lovey” you know the little blankey with animal attached. It wasn’t sold anymore so my husband went on eBay and found it. So she had 1 for school, 1 for the sitter and 1 for home. To this day she still sleeps with it and brings one to daycare, except we lost one so she only has two now.
17.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
I wish I had duplicates lol this is smart not overdoing it
16.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
Thank you! Just making sure I’m not going nuts. Perfect thing is, the blanket is now on clearance!
17.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@amysbabies, I wish I could find a duplicate of my two youngest fav blankets they are both attached and have been for a long time I still can’t get the 7 year old to give it up. They both look dirty and disgusting but they are clean lol.
17.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
If they are attached it’s best to get a duplicate. Because you don’t want the one lost or damaged. Switch them a few days before it goes to daycare so it has the same smell and they may not be the wiser.
16.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
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