i can’t wait for my babies to be older! i’m 24 years old, mother of two under two. i’m also a stay at home mom and all i seem to look forward to these days are the days when my babies are older. i know my babies will always rely on me but having not only one but two people depend solely on me is taking everything out of me. my second child was unplanned and unexpected, i was 6 months PP from my first & i was in denial my whole entire pregnancy. my life has become someone else’s and now i’m not so sure if that’s what i was expecting. don’t get me wrong i have beautiful moments with my children and i don’t regret having them, i know re-entering the newborn stage (that i dislike so much) is just a lot. i just look forward to the day where my children are like 3 or even 4 years old & i feel so guilty. its not an everyday feeling but sometimes i do feel like i should have waited and that i don’t like motherhood life right now :(

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I’m glad I had mine young lol
25.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
I completely understand at times.. I'm 23 with 4. I had my 4th at 22. These feelings with fade. Things will get easier. Maby have your hubby watch the littles and you go have a "you" day
25.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
Trust me, a 3 year old is waaaayyy harder than a newborn!! 😩 The newborn stage is the easiest stage. All they do is eat and sleep! Do you have help from their dad or a relative? Try not to stay home alone with them all day. get outside, talk to people. It’s helps.
24.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
Keep your head up Queen! As they grow, the Milestones wil become a lil easier as well. Remember to take time out for yourself each day, even if it's 5-10 min durations right outside your House door for fresh air. It will make a great difference!!💯💯👑 Motherhood is quite tough! Wishing you the best, here for verbal support as well. ❤
24.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
I was in ur same situation 23 with 2 under 2 and it was rough at times but I got through it ! Now my daughter is almost 3 and she’s even more bad now lol and my son is starting to be like her too 😪 some days I’m so over it. But you got this girl ! You will get through this, you aren’t alone ! 💕
24.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
You're young and your life is moving fast. Maybe you can talk to a counselor about your feelings. Having two under two can be hard for anyone but these days won't last forever and sooner than later you'll be missing them.
23.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
I agree I would see if there is anyone you can talk to my inbox is open I know it’s hard sometimes Im also 24 and have a 4 year old and a 10 month old and I’m currently prego and found out 3 month pp it’s hard but you got this! 💪🏻 we all have bad days 💕
23.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
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