Hi ladys been feeling worried and stress lately my oldest boy is being bullied boy a boy in his class happened just before pandemic and got it sorted but its happening again since they been back and today he got kicked in the leg and his privates his so upset and makes me angry that theres kids that find it ok i have been going though the school again to sort it out as i ant happy but just feel i ant doing enough 😢

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I had this. The bully wrote a note to my child stating she wanted to kill her (headteacher LOST the note conveniently) Kicking, pulling hair, name calling, excluding her from her friends etc

This bully also swore in class. Spat in a boys face etc

Head teacher did nothing

The mother / father didn't care wouldn't even come to school and talk

I called the police 101 who wanted the note and who went into school also took record of bullys name etc (said once thry are over 10 they have more powers)
12.03.2021 Нравится Ответить
Your poor boy 💔 perhaps talk to the bully’s mum about it at pick up if the school isn’t doing anything about it ? I hope he’s ok bless him xx
11.03.2021 Нравится Ответить
@ezchaz I have told my boy to hit back but he won't his not like that and oh the headteacher is a twat he won't do nothing this is the problem but he dont like me so he won't want me in his office again
11.03.2021 Нравится Ответить
@jmossom6, ссылка

Sounds like a shit school. Is there a nicer school in the area he could move to ? I know it sounds extreme but if the school isn’t helping then I wouldn’t feel comfortable my child attending xx
11.03.2021 Нравится Ответить
@ezchaz yeah it was a really good school but gone down hill and nah there isn't where I live it isn't a nice place tbh but I will move him if it doesn't get sorted for good x
11.03.2021 Нравится Ответить
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