Im out of ideas and need help 😩
I have a 3 year old boy currently staying home due to being laid off.. anyway I feel bad having the same every day routine for my little guy. It gets boring for him and I know it. What do you ladies do to keep your toddlers occupied so that they dont go crazy?

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Outdoor time, Pinterest activities, also we would do a ton of virtual trips to museums or story time at the library online. Every day we would have the same schedule but different activities. So we would go outside but do chalk, ride a scooter, take a walk etc. Craft time, watch a movie (this was during rest time) do a virtual tour. Read books. That are so many ideas on Pinterest!
26.02.2021 Нравится Ответить
Loooooots of outside time if possible. Walks. We used to look at different trees and flowers and grass. I was at home right after my son turned 3 and it was pretty hard to keep him constantly occupied but he really likes baking even though I super sick at it. Coloring, paint, we even made slime (do not recommend) but also they thrive on routine so I tried to stick to the same one every day. You think it’s boring for them but they really like knowing what happens next.
26.02.2021 Нравится Ответить
Maybe sensory bins? Lots of ideas on Pinterest. 😊
26.02.2021 Нравится Ответить
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