I feel like I’m never going to go into labour on my own 😭 I was told I could have a VBAC if she comes before my due date but this little one seems comfy right where she’s at. I really don’t want a CS because I have a toddler that I’m sure isn’t going to make recovery easy. Any successful VBAC stories or any advice on what helped your onset of labour? I’m thinking of asking for a membrane sweep at next appointment.

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That's weird they would only offer a VBAC if you go into labor early. Tomorrow I'll be 41 weeks with baby number 4 so I definitely feel the body not wanting to go into labor by itself 🙄 but you're only 38 weeks. Baby may just still need time to develop and if baby isn't ready and your body isn't ready then unfortunately there isn't much you can do. You can try sitting on an exercise ball, walk, sex, nipple stimulation... but I'd press why they'd only let you do a vbac if baby comes early vs on time.

I wish you the best of luck and sending labor thoughts your way. I also wish you the most success with your desire to have a vbac, that's a wonderful goal and I really hope they will all be encouraging and supportive of your choice. (Sorry I couldn't be more help) but asking for a sweep is also a good start at your next appt 🙂
15.02.2021 Нравится Ответить
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