Im so upset and cant stop crying. Took my little man to his appointment for weight check again this morning, hes lost 4 more ounces just over the weekend. Hes down to 5 pounds and 5 ounces and is now being admitted to pediatric floor at the hospital i delivered at. Looks like we will be there for a little while until they figure out why he is losing so much weight so quickly. Hes lost 12 percent of his birthweight. Please send prayers for us!! I hate my family being split apart. Even more so, for this reason. Im so worried about my little man. 😔😔 1 week old today.
Thanks ladies for all the prayers and kind words ! I'm not breastfeeding with him , he is formula fed. He has gained a little overnight and hopefully we will get to go home tomorrow, since hes gaining with his new formula !
If you’re breastfeeding, and supplementing request an SNS from lactation. It will give him the supplement he needs and stimulate your body to produce more milk.
Are you breastfeeding? My milk took over a week to come in so in the beginning I would put my son to the boob and because I knew milk wasn’t coming out yet as soon as we “finished” his nursing session I would give him 2 oz of the formula they had given him at the hospital. It took me almost 10 days for my milk to come in and his pediatrician recommended I do it that way to make sure he didn’t loose too much weight.
I’m sorry you are dealing with this! Lots of love your way and I’m sure things will improve. My littlest one was like that, it was a bit of a battle for awhile but then she took off! It’s ok mama but get some rest
I'm sorry that this is your experience with your brand new baby boy. These are some of the most cherished times and they're being spent in the hospital. Hopefully there isn't any underlying issues that's causing him to lose weight.
Are you currently breastfeeding? Maybe they can give you some tips in that aspect if you are. How many diapers does he have on average in a day? That's one way to track if he's getting enough to drink. If he's on formula (even if he isn't), they could recommend the high calorie formula. Like the pp said, I hope they weigh him, then have you feed him, then weigh him again. Or they weigh his diapers.
Im so sorry your going thru that. I went thru that with my youngest and I broke down at one of her appointments too. I did supplement her with formula for a bit while my milk supply went up cuz it was very low. I went to Breastfeeding classes( I think thats what it was called). They help on if baby latch correctly, they had a scale to see how much baby weights, an If after feeding they went up in weight. With covid not sure if they still offer that help. Prayers ur little one starts to gain weight. An congrats on having ur baby boy.
Are you supplementing with formula too? My toddler had the same issues so I had to start supplementing and she started to pick up weight. I'm sure he will be okay mama.