So I need to vent. Wednesday had my first appointment for the new baby. Had the ultrasound a couple weeks ago. But I do not like this doctor. Talking to me like I’ve never done this before. But when I ask a question it was like a child answer. It took everything I had in me to not snap on her. I asked her how many more ultrasounds will I receive? She goes well Um this is your second baby so you had one and you will get one more. And I just looked at and said yeah this is my second baby but with my son I had an ultrasound done every two weeks! And I am not a child and you will not speak to me like a child and the fact that you have not read anything in my chart to see how my first pregnancy went shows me right away you are not the doctor for me. She had nothing to say. All of this while there was a learning student there following her around. So then had to get a pap. The doctor did not once ask me if it was okay for this student to be in the room or she did not even ask for this student to do my pap. After my appointment I was done. Like literally went home and just shut down. I refuse to go through for the next appointment or at all through my second and last pregnancy.
Sorry for the rant but it has been bothering me since Wednesday