Ashton speaks sooo much full on conversations Mckenzie and Ashton have they’re conversations and I’m just listening in!! Sooo cute he tells me he loves me to the moon and back, he also tells me to go away he hates me if he’s in a stinking mood ahhah!! He copies eveything Mckenzie does and says hha xx
Before 2 she was hardly speaking and then after 2 she doesn't stop! Lol. She says like 4/5 word sentences which is quite good for her age but Lexi was like this too. She says things like "lexi come play with me" (e ee tum pay wi my) lol and "love you so much" (wuv oo so muh) 😊 some words are clearer than others but i know what she wants. If im not too sure I repeat the word and then she says yeah or no xx
@liya12 thank you. All this time at home has its positives! Although I can't wait for her to go to playgroup/ nursery and have interaction with children her age xx
Chelseas been a little chatterbox since around age 2 🤣 She has full on conversations with me now (not that I can understand everything she says fully but she's very sure of what's she's saying lol)and I even find her talking to her toys 😄 I say where it took her longer to walk she makes up for that with her speech xx
My toddler has only just started using two word sentences like "Come here" , "my one" , I think those are the only two at the moment. His name is Conor and he calls his brother Conor not Charlie which makes me laugh 😂, he can say some words but they don't quite sound correct at the moment but I have no worries at all because Charlie was "delayed" and now he doesn't be quiet 😂 xx