Nathaly Suarez
Nathaly Suarez
Send help 😭 my 5 months old does not want to sleep in her crib anymore it’s been 2 nights already, she woke around 3 am I feed her and when I put her back to her crib she cried and cried I grab her and try to put her back to sleep, I always end up moving her to my bed and she falls sleep just fine lol I don’t want her to sleep in bed with us, that’s why I got her a crib 🤷🏽‍♀️ I need help, any tips?😩😩

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It’ll be a rough couple of nights but stay consistent and don’t put her in your bed if that’s not what you’re wanting. Otherwise she’ll expect that when she cries she gets to come to bed with you. It could be a sleep regression. Ride it out - it’s not easy! Good luck!
30.12.2020 Нравится Ответить
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