Any one here have much dealings with flexi working requests that could offer me advice as mine has been turned down 😪

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Because apparently it would be unfair on the other managers as they would have to cover me on the extra day I wasn't at work. (requested full-time over 4 days not 5). And they don't see it as a viable business option currently. I have emailed them back saying I am now going to have to consider my options etc.. . I got one back saying sorry your disappointed here's a link to appeals process. I'm gonna fill it out but not holding out much hope as my previous manager fraught it with a union and still got turned down. We are the only two managers to have children. I think it is descriminant but I have no idea what to do about it x
27.12.2020 Нравится Ответить
I've done it working as a teacher. There is a request for flexible working letter template by the union NEU or NUT online. You have to write a lot about why it would benefit the company moreso than your own benefits
23.12.2020 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I did but got refused as I'm a manager and they don't do flexitime as managers 😪. I feel so sad I've worked so hard to get where I am (it did not come easy) and now I'm in a position where I feel I have to choose between full time career in a job I love or my baby. There is no comparison really but I want both.
23.12.2020 Нравится Ответить
@forrestr1987 have they said why they have you turned you down? Can you look into your rights, reasonable adjustments for parents/mothers. My union said this is one of the biggest forms of discrimination against women, not allowing flexible working around being a mother . Why would they say if you informally say that you have to consider leaving? Would they fight to keep you?
27.12.2020 Нравится Ответить
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