Shawn Yardley
Shawn Yardley
I’m a mom. That’s my job, essence and persona. I have a spectacular daughter who changed my life for the better when she was born. We have had our share of scary for sure, but I’m so blessed to have this baby girl, Nora. Nora was born with many health issues but is thriving. She is a normal baby girl cognitively but due to extensive hospitalizations, has fallen behind physically. We march to the beat of our own drum for sure, but she is catching up!
I’m also mom to another beautiful little girl named Loren who is perfect in every way. I feel truly blessed to have these amazing little girls and can’t imagine my life without them!
People want to call me a super mom and a badass. I assure you, I’m not. I’m a mom who would do anything I have to for my baby. Good mothers are all the same in that way. We will love, protect and be strong for our littles no matter what. Everyone goes through their fair share of crap. I look at your crap and think I could never handle that just like you look at mine and think “wow, I can’t imagine”. We handle whatever is in front of us and everything off to the side is always scary. Remember that! You are all badass moms.

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