Joleyn Nettles
Joleyn Nettles
I'm a stay at home mom and I absolutely love it ! I haven't spent much time away from my daughter, since she was born she's always been with us. I gave birth naturally at home (in my shower of all places, so you can imagine it wasn't as messy as it could have been) and it was an amazing experience! It was hard, it hurt like hell and at one point I thought I couldn't do it, but I pushed as hard as I could and got through it fast ! Thank god everything went smooth and she came out perfect 👌🏼 Also, props to my partner who was by my side the entire time ! I love him very much. Kilty Hardy has my full heart 💜
If you want to know more about me, just message me or follow my timeline to see photos of my amazing little girl. Born October of 2017 on the 17th. It even snowed the day she was born, for the first time of the winter season. ❄️
Josefina Kilti Maria Hardy, my angel 😇

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