Maria malagon
Maria malagon
hey there! I'm just a mommy in my early 20's (22 to be exact). I am a FTM to an amazing baby girl name Sophia who is currently 5months old. she is a beautiful blended baby(German, Irish, Colombian,spanish and Mexican) I recently got engaged to the father of my child. I am a bonus mom as well... I won't lie and tell you it's a piece of cake because it's not. our lives are quite challenging (there's always drama!) but I wouldn't have it any other way!!! knowing my daughter will grow up having a big sister to look up to gives me peace of mind honestly. we love going on adventures and meeting new mommy's to share stories with. you can find me on ig @kstiefel.malagon my daughter is a BR/BE for some amazing shops I recommend you guys check them out (it's all on my ig. page) we are annual pass holders at Disneyland and we adventure all the time. ✨🏰

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