I'm a 26 year old mommy, figuring out life.
I'm a daughter, a sister, a friend, but first and foremost I am a mother.
FTM to a boy 💙
I am the owner of the "Self-Love Moms" group; a group dedicated to making friends who support and encourage women to love themselves, and strive for positivity.
I am a daughter of GOD ✨
Mommy to a PCOS miracle baby 💕
Owning this mommy thing!
Probably selfie obsessed 👀
Ask me for my Snapchat! (That’s the only thing I will add anyone on besides Mom.Life. Please don’t ask to text me)
I love everyone, honestly. And I love talking to people, or comforting them, so if you ever need a friend, I’m probably a great person to message. (:
Night owl, tbh. I’ll be on here until 3-4am, usually.
Goal driven 💪🏻
Dog lover 🐶
Usually one of the most positive people; since having my son I’ve struggled with depression, so please bare with me for now 😭