hey, I am 19 years old an also a new mommy. I couldn't be any more blessed, but when I was 26 weeks they found out I had diabetes Type 1 and they have me watching my carbs. Had my son when I was 36 weeks Born - 1-24-17 @ 10:26pm 9 pounds 12 ounces, 21 3/4 inches long and there for him being born at 36 weeks. They put him in the NICU he also had a problem with eating his milk to fast. An we had to teach him to slow down. I end up getting to go home early it broke my heart to leave a hospital without your own baby. I cried all way out, it's hard to pick up a phone on the wall to ask if you can hold and see your baby. He finally was released at 5 days old. so blessed it could of been worse. I only had 3 stitches .with him being a 9 pound baby. Mommy love you Justin.

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