I'm 35 and a happy, crazy mommy of 2 human kids (8 year-old boy and 3 year-old girl), 50 grown-up goats (30 of whom I milk daily by hand), 50 goat kids, 150 chickens/ducks/geese/guinea hens/turkeys, 8 alpacas, 4 sheep, 2 bratty year-old heifers, 3 pigs, 13 cats, 2 dogs, 2 peacocks, and a bunch of bunnies. The whole family farms and I thrive in the beautiful chaos that is our life, although it can be overwhelming. Poor hubby was a vegetable farmer when we met, and now 5 years later I have filled the Funny Farm with life and all his bring joy and fun to our lives...yeah! Now we are expecting number 3 and I am so excited (kind of gave up on more kids because life is so busy and we are financially poor, though our lives are so rich in all the ways that truly matter).

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