Momma to a beautiful princess born FEBRUARY 2, 2016. She is now 3 months. I am married to the most caring and loving man I couldve ever asked for. We had been TTC since October 2011(4 years). Along the way i got my first (+)POSITIVE on October 2014 which ended in a depressing miscarriage after 3 years TTC and that happens! My angel flew back to heaven and sent me my sweet purrrtty princess on June 5,2015 when i got my second (+)POSITIVE. August 18 found out she was a girl just what both my husband and I dreamed of ❤❤ My due date was February 9, 2016 but due to pregnancy complications I had to be induced on the 2nd. *EPIDURAL IS YOUR BEST FRIEND*17 hours of labor*BORN @ 5:17PM*Not only was a baby girl born but also a new mother was born and Im learning with her along this journey that I love and will cherish forever. NEVER GIVE UP ON TRYING TO CONCEIVE. I AM PROOF THAT EVEN IF IT TAKES YEARS, IT REALLY HAPPENS. MY HOPE & MY COMMITMENT TTC IS WHAT BROUGHT US HERE👶🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼

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