I'm a wife and mommy of 1 soon to be 2 come August. I have PCOS so I've struggled long and hard to bring these princesses here. My husband and I are late with starting a family but better late than never.I can't really complain having a family is all I could dream of since a little girl and I have it now. Now if only we could find a few kittens and dogs I'd be living the American dream 😊
📖pro herbal remedy and cures
😴👶💤co sleeper
💧breast feeder
🏡cloth diaper at home
👶baby lead weaning
🚼baby wearing
💉💊🚫anti birth control
💫🚼laid back parenting style
🐣 Pro life
🍇🌽 vegetarian trans. vegan🌿🌱
💍 married
♎ lovely Libra
30➕ mommy club

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