Melina Adams
Melina Adams
I am 24 👑

First time mom and college student. 🎓

I am happily married to a soldier and will be joining after college as well. ❤

We are originally from Phoenix and miss it so much! 🌞🌴🌵

My son was born June 8, 2016 at 6:55 PM weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces and was 21 inches long. 💙🍼🎈

Pro-breast feeding

Also, before God gave me this beautiful little boy, about 4 years ago I had two miscarriages and one still born. The miscarriages happened before I reached 10 weeks but my daughter, Milly, was born October 3, 2011 at only 20 weeks gestation. I haven't had the perfect tract record of pregnancies until this little man, but if there are any mommies who need emotional support, I understand what you're going through. It will get better. I'm here if anyone needs me or has questions.
Rest in Peace, my babies. 👼❤

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