I'm Cassandra 🤘🏻
Mommy to Andrew Oliver 😘👶🏽
And to a fur baby named Lucy who is 1 yr old❤️
He was birthed on November 22, 2015 ❤️
Ive been with his daddy for 5 years and We are the happiest parents ever 😻😻

Current milestones reached:
(12 Months)
Has 8 teeth 🤓
Eats anything and everything 🍎🍓🍌
Can walk all by himself 👣
Sleeps through the night 😇
Talks all day 😰🏽
Can say "mama" "baba" "papa" "teta" "muchacha"👪
Loves his entire family ❤️

I didn't find out i was pregnant until i was in labor! If any other mommies on this group have been through that lets talk! All of our babies are our biggest blessings ❤️

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