Dorchester, MA.
22 years old.
Toddler Teacher.
Wife to my high school sweetheart, Gavin.
Mommy to Hunter (1/23/16).
Two puppies, Maggie and Oliver.
Was EBF but had to start supplementing due to weight gain issues. Dairy and Soy free (so far). On our 5th formula, EleCare due to allergies and bloody stools. If the blood continues we will be seeing a GI specialist. Our goal is to start EBF again in the next few weeks.
Update: We are officially off of formula and back to EBF!
Update: I am sad to say that our breastfeeding journey has come to an end. Hunter only gained 2oz in 2 weeks and is not thriving. He still has bloody stools even though I have completely cut out dairy and soy. Things with his allergies are not getting better, only worse. He will be on EleCare and if he does not start to thrive and is still having blood in his stools then we will be off to see a GI specialist. Although I am truly devistated that we are done with breastfeeding I am excited to see a happy little boy with no tummy pain. Heres to hoping this works!