I'm a college student over half way through with my bachelor's degree in psychology for Christian Counseling. I was engaged to my baby's father until I found out certain things about him including that he didn't take care of his other children. We broke up Dec 26, 2015 & he moved to NC 2 days later. On Jan 15th I went to the doctor for breast pain that wouldn't go away & got the biggest, best surprise ever! Baby Bean is due Sept 7, 2015. We were not trying & I was on the pill but also antibotics. We had used a condom but it broke. When I told my ex he said it wasn't his but he's starting to come around. He still won't be on the birth certificate. I had bleeding around 7 weeks &, to a much lesser extent, on my 10th week making my doc put me on a 5 pound weight limit & a 2 hour per day standing & walking limit until he sees me again on Feb 26th. Also, I had to go to the ER on week 10 to get fluids & nausea meds for morning sickness. Otherwise, we're doing well so far!

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