Preggie Mom since 10-6-14

Married 💍
Due January 25th 2015
Born January 31 2015
1:28am @7lbs 4oz, 20.5"
My first miracle baby, had a long and tough pregnancy with her.

Proud mother of 2 Angel Babies August 26,2017👼🏻👣 & May 13, 2018. (Ectopic and miscarriage)
We never got to hear your hearts beating, we never got to see your precious faces, but we knew you were there. You'll hold a special place in our hearts. We will see you again one day our precious babies ♥️

Rainbow baby boy was due May 26, 2019,but i was induced so he was born May 7, 2019
12:31pm @7lbs 1oz, 21”
It was a scary road, but I’m so happy my miracle baby is here. ❤️🌈

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