Hi ladies! I'm 28, and a first time mommy! Had my baby boy on Feb 3, 2016 and couldn't be more ecstatic! Not new to the mommy scene tho. I'm very familiar with kids of all ages as I helped raise my siblings from the age of 7 till now! 21 yrs! Been around kids my whole life, love em!
I thought I was "broken" and wasn't able to have kids, but when I was 24, I got pregnant by the man I'm with now but miscarried 7 weeks along. Yet I would have never known, that 3 years down the road, God had plans. :) I thank Him every chance I get for allowing me to keep this baby this time. Truly a blessing!!
I'm a HUGE animal lover! Cats rule my world! I LOVE dogs as well and if I could, I'd rescue all cats an dogs!😻🐱🐈🐩🐕 In my pix you'll probably see a lot of photos of an orange, fluffy cat..he's my 'son'...his name is Kitty, he's spoiled and a sweetheart an I wouldn't have it any other way! :)
I'm a Christian woman but have a fowl mouth lol and a big heart. :) Sarcasm is probably my first language. haha ;)
On here just for friendship or a chat. Thanks for reading! 🐈🐈

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