I am a step mom of 3 awesome kids. My fiance and I are not married yet but he calls me his wifey and I call him my hubby already. I'm a first time mom of our own baby girl, Jewel, to be here soon. 😊 I am very excited and I can not wait for her to arrive. She is heaven sent. 😇 6yrs ago I was told I would not be able to have children of my own. Now, all I can think is that this is a miracle and my love for her will be stronger than ever to know that she will be my only angel. As soon as she arrives I will be having my tubes tied because I have been a high risk this whole pregnancy. I do not want to go through this again with the worry of a miscarriage that could happen if I'm not very careful. So I end this by saying and promising. I will be there for her as long she needs me and forever.😊💞🚼💞

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