I am a lesbian, I'm engaged to my fiance Miranda. I have had two losses over 2 years and pregnant again. My due date is January 28th 2016. 👣👣🍼🍼
My fiance && I are having a little girl. Her name is Anyra Lynn. We found out at 15W6D.
At 24W5D we found out that my cervix was shortening and I had a cervical pessary placed and got put on bed rest. 2 days later ended up in L&D because I dilated to 1CM. I'm still dilated but everything is going great, at 37 weeks I will have my pessary removed and labor started. 🙌🙌
Welcomed Anyra Marie on 01/08/2016 she was born at 37W1D, spent 4 days in the NICU and came home to a very loving family! My fiance and I are excited about this journey with her. 🚼🚼😍😍😍😍🍼🍼