Terra Beilman
Terra Beilman
I'm a Midwest girl but not politically... If that makes sense. I'm due with my second boy October 14th. Things I miss about not being pregnant: being small enough to get out of the bathtub without my boyfriends help. Eating sushi, cold cuts, and soft cheeses. My energy levels and strength I had. I was a vet tech before I got pregnant with my first but now, due to daycare prices I'm a stay at home mom. I miss having people to talk to that can add to the conversation; a one year old and a cat have a hard time answering you some times, so if you want to chat I'm here. I'm also part of a birth trauma support group due to my PTSD from my first birth, so if you ever feel cheated, or like your birth experience was traumatizing or just not right, reach out I know talking to someone who is truly willing to listen instead of brushing your birth concerns off can sometimes be a beacon of hope when you are lost in all these emotions everyone says you shouldn't have if your baby was born healthy.

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