Honestly I can’t even be happy about Biden winning. I don’t think he’s a genuine person. I believe Biden picked Kamala Harris as his vice to gain more votes from women and the black community because honestly you can tell he’s racist against black people especially with that 1994 bill. The fact that the only choices we have every election is rapist and racist really sucks. I just hope in the next 4 years we have a genuine person run.
3.5 года

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It’s just relieving having a president who won’t get on Twitter and praise a cop for putting a bullet in my kid. Biden is just a band aid until the country can get stitches. We have deep wounds but we can’t heal with the same person in office who played such a big role in inflicting them.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить




3.5 года Нравится Ответить

Go look up Biden calling black people roaches on you tube like wtf people voted for his stinking ass he needs to go to the mental home 🙄

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

@kush_queen420, The screenshot was not to disagree nor agree with your statement. It was to show that you are the one who brought up skin color. Try to keep up.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

@pie., keep up what ? People can do plenty of research quit playing victim

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

@kush_queen420, Girl. You sound dumb. 😂😂 Im embarrassed for you.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

People think of politics being one sided but there are actually a lot of racists closeted democrats out there. I know a few of them. One chick I know claims she doesn’t like black people but then is all for lgbt and I’m just like how the hell is that even possible? Also there are republicans that aren’t racist but most people will flip their shit if they find that out. It’s strange. That’s why I don’t get deeply involved with this stuff.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

It’s just relieving having a president who won’t get on Twitter and praise a cop for putting a bullet in my kid. Biden is just a band aid until the country can get stitches. We have deep wounds but we can’t heal with the same person in office who played such a big role in inflicting them.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

I was thinking the same
The fear that “trump supporters have instilled in me these past few years.
Trump = Privileged Racist = above the law!

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

Lmfao really then you must stand for pedofiles as well because there’s plenty of prof of that and go look up his video about calling y’all roaches 🤣🤣 y’all voted for this bitch too like wow shot your own foot

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

@kush_queen420, Im not about to entertain your dumbass conspiracy theories. What we aren’t going to do, is question my character. Thanks👍🏾

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

There is NO genuine politician. Those two things MOST CERTAINLY do NOT go hand in hand. It's just a giant game that's pay to play to these people. Just gotta try to find the one that's the LEAST disgusting, cause they're ALL gross.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

The 1994 crime bill was enacted to try and cut down crime levels which were astronomical at the time. Do I agree with every part of the bill? No. But let’s not act like it was a one sided bill and the only that came from it was all bad. The VAWA or Violence Against Women Act was a part of that bill. Also the ban on assault rifles.

Yes there were some bad aspects of it. But there were also some good.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

Exactly they forget that wasn’t the only thing I. That bill

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

That’s fine but as a black Women she should have never participated in it. If I was in her position there’s certain things I wouldn’t participate in on behalf of the respect I have for my community. I feel everyone should be the same.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

I say the same thing. Neither were qualified for the position, but we've already seen what Trump would do, and we're not impressed. Every move in politics is calculated, and Harris was a pawn to secure the position. All I gotta say is, let's see what Biden does, America gave Trump a chance, they owe Biden the same, and in 4 years, if we're not impressed, we fire him.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

Get out of my brain girl! I just said the same thing to my husband.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

There's no such thing as genuineness in American politics.

3.5 года Нравится Ответить