I went to the restroom today and when I wiped it was light pinkish and I noticed dark brownish red on my liner. I didn’t get a cycle last month unexpectedly but the blood test I received was negative for pregnancy and ultrasound showed collapsing cyst of corpus luteum at the time. I did finish my cycle last week on the 6th and according to my tracker app, I am due to ovulate this weekend. So what could this be?
*TMI Pictures posted in comment*
Could be either implantation bleeding because you are pregnant in spite of a negative test or the very beginning of your period. Wait 2-3 days and if you don't get more flow retest. Best of wishes!
@kyenkenmom Just reread your post and realized that you said you're due to ovulate soon. You can have spotting during that time also... If you're TTC baby dance as much as possible.