Blue IsMyColor
Blue IsMyColor
Our school system does a weekly report on Fridays of the number of covid cases in our district. We have around 20,000 kids in school face to face and this week there was a total of 3 kids that tested positive and 2 staff across 4 different schools. (There are 38 schools in our district). Unfortunately 3 of those schools are the ones that my kids attend.

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We're in a town with a population of 3500 people. Our school isn't huge. All kids and teachers are required to wear masks, the sanitation protocols are good. Our schools have been open for 6 weeks and we've already had 6 kids and 1 teacher catch covid. It's been about 1 person a week, to test positive and usually an additional 20 people that need to be quarantined for 2 weeks.

Our schools gave us the choice to either do remote learning or in school classes. We personally opted for remote learning and every week the group of kids that show up online grows.
02.10.2020 Нравится Ответить
Our district has certain times to opt in for virtual. The date just passed, so I’m curious to see how many opt back into face to face or switch to online.
02.10.2020 Нравится Ответить
Crap. Hopefully it stays very isolated. :(
02.10.2020 Нравится Ответить
Our schools are working really hard to follow CDC guidelines. None of the kids come in contact with any other kids that aren’t in their class other than riding the bus and they have their own protocols. We’ve been back in school since August 6 and luckily so far that hasn’t been a single case of transmission from another child at school.
02.10.2020 Нравится Ответить
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