Moms with 2 year olds. When does the tossing of toys stop. He like just does it to do it. He even tosses himself around. (No not in a fit type of way) He gets a warning...if he does it a second time they get put in "time out".
My daughter does this. It’s not out of anger or emotion either. She just does it when she’s playing. I try to redirect her when she does it. I only tell her soft toys only because I really don’t care if she’s throwing a stuffed animal around. But when she’s trying to throw wooden blocks or heavy stuff that’s a hard no. Shes starting to listen more some what about throwing toys.
This is normal behavior. If he feels like throwing something, redirect his behavior towards something he is allowed to throw. Saying no will only stifle his curiosity. He might just be craving an energy release.
@serenity2020, you’re welcome. Run him around a little. Or tickle. I know it sounds crazy but it’s exhausting because they tighten all of their muscles.
Ive just noticed you’ve just had another little one as well. My son was about the same age when our daughter was born and he may be doing it to get a bit of attention. Any attention (good or bad) is a win if he’s feeling a bit put out? Only a guess if it’s a newly developed behaviour ?
@serenity2020, bless him, that’s so cute that he says sorry afterwards. It’s more than likely just a phase, they all go through these things and it’s just keeping calm and working through it in the best way that you can. My daughter went through a screaming phase a few months ago and I just had to grit my teeth and bare it until it passed, which it has now thank goodness !!
If he’s being naughty then I’d warn him and then take the toy away if he doesn’t listen (this even works now with my 21 month old daughter as long as I’m very clear and consistent). But if it’s just how he plays with his toys I’d tell him no and then show him how to play with it properly/ distract him and move him onto a different toy. He may be doing it out of boredom/ frustration or just a lack of understanding on how to play with the toy correctly. If he’s anything like my son then he might just be very boisterous and I find just getting them outside and letting them run riot whenever possible is just the best way !