Often when dealing with the child's father and having disagreements I hear "put aside your differences and do what is best for the kid."
But what if you both honestly believe different things are best for the child? Then it feels like you are at a crossroads.
Right now this honestly isnt about a specific event or scenario. And this isn't made to be negative or bash anybody. Just a generic post because it is a fact that we grew up in very different households and were raised with different rules.
How do you find a common ground when you don't agree many things?
Advice please. No hate.
We had a kid too late to change that

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I got custody 🤣💯 not playin tit for tat with losers that don’t give af to begin with
12.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
Sit down and find the common ground first. Really find it, talk about it, and decide on it. Then move one topic at a time to the differing opinions and why they are so important to each of you. In order to do the best for your children each of you has to be willing to compromise (in a safe and acceptable manner) at different times. It's important to realize that sometimes we can have things exactly as we want them and we have to "let go and let God" in a sense with the father of our children. If the father truly wants the best for the child and is a good father(even if you don't agree with him) sometimes as mom we have to trust them and let them have their way. But the caveat to that is they must do the same in return. Balance. Balance and communication area o important! And remember it can be difficult even in a healthy, loving relationship. So you just have to continue working at it and do your best.
12.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
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