Sarah Kimpton
Sarah Kimpton
Anyone else's children not coping well with the changes at school? My 8 year old daughter used to love school, but now we have tears every morning and she's so anxious, miserable and withdrawn. I'm seriously thinking about home schooling as she enjoyed it during lockdown. Poor girl used to be so happy and this whole pandemic has changed her xx

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She went in the afternoon and has been fine since. Her teacher said they've got extra pastoral care in place for this exact reason. Apparently she's not the only one having issues xx
10.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
My daughter was the same but I explained everyone in her class are going through the same thing, they are all anxious, it’s been a weird time for us let alone them but they’ve been off long enough there’s no point delaying it xx
08.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
I agree with @sarah-bradshaw. Just treat it as if she's starting school again for the first time giving her extra time to adjust and settle her nerves and talk her through it each day. Each to their own but I find home school kids are usually really awkward people, they lose social skills and don't know how to interact appropriately with people their own age.
08.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
This is true. My brother was messed around alot with his dad being a arsehole going from one girlfriend and place/city to the next moving him pillar to post my mum tried to bring him home but he didn't want to. He isn't well at mixing and he isn't well at talking neither he often insults you or quite negative about things as he doesn't know any different though which is so sad to see it's like he comes across as a younger child in a big body he's 14 now 😞. I feel so sorry for him hes now back in a school and has been for a while but he's still no better! We think he's on the spectrum aswel so this maybe why he is the way he is but definitely school plays a big part in everything. It's entirely your choice what you do. Maybe speak with her teacher so they can give her some reassurance throughout the day with her until she finely feels abit more comfortable. Hope she's OK xx
08.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
I thought Morgan would struggle because he already has anxiety when it comes to school. But he went back in June & after the initial nerves went & he settled he started to thrive again & it's like the norm for him now.

I'd say give her a little more time to adjust. Talk positively about the situation where you can. E.g. seeing friends. I'm sure you don't but I hear a lot of parents talking about how awful this all is infront of their kids which the children hear & worries them. We have to keep smiling & give them encouragement & hope.

If you still feel strongly about homeschooling then that is your choice to make. But as others have said this could go on a while, we don't want our children to be too scared to leave the house. It's hard right now to know what is best. I know I've struggled knowing what to do.
08.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
If she’s got bad anxiety about it then keep her off! It’s understandable ❤️❤️ xx
08.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
I've kept her home today. Her little brother starts nursery tomorrow at the same school, so hopefully she might feel differently when he's there xx
08.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
Oh no, I think it's kind of to be expected and I'll be giving my children at least half a term to adjust, I think in the long run it's going to help them so much that they went through this and come through the struggles, you have to think long term whether homeschooling a 16 year old would be ideal, she's only 8 now but if she's struggling after 6 months off (I think most will) what would she be like if you home schooled her until high school... then she'd have to walk into a huge school knowing hardly anyone, and not remembering the basic school rules x
08.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
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