Sometimes I feel like I can tackle any thing but bedtimes break me... Bubba slept like a dream up until a week or 2 ago, now most bedtimes are a battle. Many a time I don't get to eat dinner till after 10pm, tonight I have only just finished it. I have a partner but sun/Mon-Fri he is away at base (army). I feel like I'm doing something wrong and I'm emotionally drained if bed times go wrong tonight I can honestly say I've had a real good cry. . I've still got a pot full of bottles and a sink to wash up but I can't be bothered 😭
Please tell me this is normal and if any of you ladies especially those of you out there have done it by yourself have any tips I'm all ears.
Daughter did same at about 5 months, i moved her into her own cot where she had more room and she settled again and it helped me as was in another room meaning i dared to breathe without waking her. Have you got anyone that could come through the day and help at dinner times ect xx
I'm currently in a one bed flat I've got possible move end of next month to a 3 bed house so she will certainly have her own room. Update to this. I think she was in early stages of a cold last night she woke up midway through the night so distressed very snotty and struggling 😢 I didn't sleep at all. Tonight she has really fraught sleep my mum came over thank god, but I still did the bed time. As usual tried to put her down at 7 sang and then once song finished the screaming started. I tried letting her cry it out for a couple minutes (because of the cold I hated this) every time I picked her up to comfort her she fell asleep and would scream the minute I put her down. I nursed her gave her bottle and still she would not settle. I then brought her into the living room layer her down so I could eat and she could calm and reset (I ignored her during this time) I then gave her another bottle after nursing her... I swear she sometimes doubles what normal babies eat 🙈. Pic is of her at 9.30 that I txt my partner (he thought it was cute 🙄) she dropped off at 10 and I was able to put her in her bed. I swear the minute I place her in my bed to nurse or bring her to the living room she smirks... I know all of this is behaviour and if she was older I'd probably feel better about crying it out but after a few minutes and littering to her get so upset I just can't do it. Tomorrow night my friend is coming over I think fam and friends have realised I'm struggling a bit x
@_judgemental_apparently touch wood it was just a phase, after advice from a friend I have been doing bedtimes a little differently putting her down awake and staying with her in room playing océan waves rather then singing to her (any one can play océan waves know one has my voice lol) she is still yet to go down at night for any one else screamed bloody murder when my mate tried. Touch wood she has been going down earlier each night, tonight she was down by 7.30. Just have to see what time she wakes me up in the morning 😂
As for feeling better she has a cold and I thought I was coming down with one but today I have woken up feeling dizzy (like I've got off a roundabout not feint) and have a low pitch buzzing and pressure in my head. I've gotta try and get a Dr appointment tomorrow as I couldn't get one today. I haven't been able to Bath little miss today or even carry her far for fear I may drop her l, loose balence or smack into a wall. Which is great fun when partner is away. Only time I've carried her is out of bedroom and back in 😢. Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow and will all be back to normal I just feel so discombobulated.
Could be the the 4month sleep regression which means this shall pass soon, i found washing the bottles up straight after it’s finished prevents the full sink load at the end of the day, also preparing dinner when baby naps in the day or is atleast content helps because then you can spend less time in the kitchen in the evenings, also with that if you make double and freeze half for another day then you can just put that in the oven when you next want it. X
I hope it passes soon, she is being so clingy at the moment if I put her down at nap time she only sleeps for 10-20 minutes and then is very irritable and barely slept last week. I was so on top with bottles previously but this week where she is settling so late after a bottle or boob I just want to eat and put my feet up lol. As for the cooking I have got stuff in freezer and I have put it in oven to cook but by the time I return to it it's ruined, so can't win either way most nights I've been having toast as its quick but I don't think it's helping my milk supply. Hopefully I can get back into some sort of routine soon I'm just finding it all a bit overwhelming at the moment, between play time feed time pumping and nap time I just feel like there is no hours left in the day. Plus side I did manage to run the hoover round earlier whilst holding baby 😂😭 x