Magdalena Mata
Magdalena Mata
I've started potty training when the pandemic started and my son just won't poop on the toilet. Any tips on how to get my toddler to poop on the toilet? He's without a diaper all day and pees fine but when he wants to poop and I take him to the toilet he just sits there and does nothing. He either holds it until bedtime. I only put a diaper on him when its nap time or bedtime and he tends to poop either on those two times. Especially while we're sleeping. I need help ladies 😔 he'll be turimg 4 this December too.

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Does he stay dry at night? If so, then you can try going without diapers. You can buy mattress pads, like the kind people use for doggy training. I think Good Nites has them. Put one down under his sheet. We did that with my daughter around age 3 and she never wet the bed so we ended up not even needing them. Also create a reward system for poop. For my daughter we gave her “poopoo candy.”

Currently potty training my son and dealing with the same issue and he waits til he gets his nap time diaper or poops in his underwear. I try to catch him when he freezes up and starts to push and I quickly carry him to the toilet.
05.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
I'm still struggling with my 4 year old. Except I've done underwear and she'll poop in them.... like she doesn't care. She does hold it too. At this point I'm just like she'll do it when she's ready. I'm tired of fighting and tired of forcing it. She's been peeing in the potty since she was 1.5.... just won't poop
05.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
Yeah mine pooped behind the couch before & got a big spanking for that and hasn't done it since. I'm just tired of changing two kids poopy diapers. He's a big boy now he needs to go to the bathroom now. & it's almost that time to potty train the little one too. I feel like I'm going crazy. I wonder if girls are easier
05.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
It just depends on the child both of mine are girls.
Besides bed wetting my oldest trained in 3 days but they can't control their bladder at night. It's all when their bladder matures.

So it doesn't matter boy or girl it just depends on the child.
05.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
We started potty training last month and now my son is fully potty trained. I agree about gettin rid of all the diapers in the house. I always heard their not ready for potty training till they can go all night with a dry diaper. That’s when we started.
05.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thank you. I think I'm going to do daiperless on him tonight and see how it goes. So its okay if he has an accident while he sleeps? Like he will know right? when he has to pee while he's sleeping
05.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
He might not know. My oldest was a bed wetter until she was 5. Sometimes she would wake up but not every single time
05.09.2020 Нравится Ответить
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