After 10 years together and 8 years married, I have decided to end it. Lots of cheating went on that I just found out about, I thought he was changing only to
be hit with positive for chlamydia. Which I got tested in January and was negative. My heart hurts so
Much because I gave this man my everything, trust, heart, forgiveness. He will be getting his own place tomorrow and I feel so sick, he keeps asking if I will be with other people or can we try again he’ll go to
Sex addiction therapy and continue his counseling. I’m not scared to be alone but of losing him then I think did I really have him because he was out giving his body away to whom ever he wanted. He didn’t think about the consequences until now now he’s losing his wife and his son. I love him but this time I love myself and my son more and for this I have to let it burn and hurt I’m let him go. I do pray he changes for himself. I pray for him. If you love something let it go even if it hurts and maybe the journey they go on will be a life changing one and maybe one day we could love again.